Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Transaction Info User
User ID of the cashier who created the transaction
Transaction Num
Transaction Number of the transaction
Transaction Number
Unique numeric identifier assigned to all distinct donation transactions to GWU.
Transaction Number
Unique transaction number generated by the payroll process.
Transaction Type
The summary-level method of donation to the university.
Transaction Type Code
Detail-level transactional method by which the donation was received by GWU. This data element represents the two-character code value.
Bequest Intention (BQ): Provisions in a will, trust, or other testamentary legal document providing a gift to the University pursuant to applicable state or provincial law.
Formal Pledge (FP): A documented commitment to make future gifts to the University.
Gift (GF): A contribution received by the University.
Match Gift (MG): Matching gift programs are a benefit offered by some employers that will match an employee’s charitable contribution by a predetermined ratio. Once the University receives and documents the employee’s contribution, the employer will fulfill their commitment based on their benefit package. The employer will receive legal credit for the contribution, and the employee will receive recognition(soft) credit.
Payroll Deduction Pledge (PD): A formal pledge received by a University Faculty/Staff member where payments are withdrawn directly from their paycheck on a pre-defined schedule.
Pension Protection Act Gift (PA): A specialized gift to the University, which allows donors to fund their gift from a Traditional or Roth IRA without tax liability.
Planned Gift (PG): A commitment received where the benefits to the University will not be realized until some point in the future. Examples of these complex gifts are real estate, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, and gift annuities.
Pledge Payment (PP): Payments associated with a formal pledge.
Realized Bequest Gift (BQ): The cash fulfillment of an existing bequest intention.
Sponsored Research Gift (SP): The cash fulfillment of an existing sponsored research pledge.
Sponsored Research Pledge (SR): A committment to donate money to the university in order to fund a dedicated research program.
Telefund Pledge (TF): A committment to donate funds to the university through telefund communication.
Transaction Type Code
Indicator of the transaction a charge or a payment
Transaction Type Desc
Indicator of the transaction a charge or a payment
Transaction Type Description
Detail-level transactional method by which the donation was received by GWU. This data element represents the description value.
Bequest Intention (BQ): A committment to make a donation to the university at the end of the donor's life.
Formal Pledge (FP): A committment to donate funds to the university by a method other than the alternate pledge transaction types.
Gift (GF): A non-refundable cash donation to the university.
Match Gift (MG): A contribution received by GWU from a matching donor (i.e. employer) under the stipulation that the original donor (i.e. employee) first provides a donation. The donation is proportionally distributed to the same allocations as the original donation. The matching donors receives legal credit for their donation, but the original donor also receives recognition (soft) credit for the matched donation.
Payroll Deduction Pledge (PD): A committment to donate a set amount of money to the university on a recurring basis from the donor's paycheck.
Pension Protection Act Gift (PA):
Planned Gift (PG): A committment to make a donation to the university at the end of the donor's life as written in their will.
Pledge Payment (PP): The cash fulfillment of an existing formal pledge.
Realized Bequest Gift (BQ): The fulfillment of a bequest intention.
Sponsored Research Gift (SP): Contributions to the University that are initially received through the Office of the Vice President of Research and transferred to Development and fundraising income.
Sponsored Research Pledge (SR): Documented commitments received through the Office of the Vice President for Research that are determined to be fundraising income.
Telefund Pledge (TF): A commitment received through telephone direct marketing where there is no formal documentation representing the donor’s commitment.
Transaction Value
Legal-credit dollar-amount value of the full transaction (regardless of multiple donors and/or allocations). This value should not be totaled due to the fact that a single transaction could have been sourced from two entities and/or a single transaction could be allocated to multiple funds.
Transfer Course Course Number
Shows the Course Number of the equivalent transfer course
Transfer Course Credit Hour
Credit hours that are associated with the equivalent transfer course
Transfer Course Credits
Credits related to the course being transferred
Transfer Course Group
The group associated with the transfer course
Transfer Course Name
The name course that is being transfered.
Transfer Course Number
Course number of course being transferred
Transfer Course Subject Code
Displays the Subject Code of the equivalent transfer course
Transfer Course Title
Course title of course being transferred
Transfer Date
The date, eg. July 4, 2001
Transfer Date Day
Identifer for Day of the week
Transfer Date Day Nbr
Identifer for Number of the day in the week
Transfer Date FY
Identifier for Transfer Date Fiscal year
Transfer Date FY Day Nbr
Number of the day in the fiscal year
Transfer Date FY Desc
Fiscal year description
Transfer Date FY End IND
End of fiscal year indicator