Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3901 - 3925 of 4076
Transfer Date FY Desc
Fiscal year description
Transfer Date FY End IND
End of fiscal year indicator
Transfer Date FY Month Nbr
Number of the month in the fiscal year
Transfer Date FY QTR Nbr
Number of the month in the fiscal year
Transfer Date FY Quarter
Fiscal year quarter
Transfer Date Month
Identifer for Month
Transfer Date Month Day Nbr
Identifer for Number of the day in the month
Transfer Date Month End IND
End of month indicator
Transfer Date Month Nbr
Identifer for Number of the month in the calendar year
Transfer Date QTR Day Nbr
Identifer for Number of the day in the quarter
Transfer Date QTR End IND
Identifer for End of quarter indicator
Transfer Date QTR Num
Identifer for Number of the quarter in the calendar year
Transfer Date Quarter
Identifer for Calendar quarter
Transfer Date Year
Identifer for Calendar year
Transfer Date year Day Nbr
Identifer for Number of the day in the calendar year
Transfer Date Year Desc
Identifer for Calendar year description
Transfer Date year End IND
Identifer for End of calendar year indicator
Transfer Date Year Month Code
Identifier for Application Name
Transfer Effective Term
The term when the transfer course became effective
Transfer Group
Hard coded value "Transfer In" to show if a student has transferred in from another College.
Transfer Institution Code
The code used for the transfer Institution.
Transfer Primary Flag
The Primary Flag indicates when two or more courses from another institution are combined to create a GW equivalent. Banner requires us to select one course in a group as the primary course.
Transferred GPA
The transferred GPA
Transfer Subject Code
Shows the subject code of the course being transfered.
Transfer to Endowments
A donation of money or property to an institution for a specific purpose.