Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3951 - 3975 of 4051
US or Foreign
Field added to selected accounts identified for HEA reportable activity; flag to indicate whether country of activity's origin is US or Foreign Sourced Activity (US_OR_FOREIGN).
Vacant Position
A vacant position is an active position without a current employee incumbent.
Valid Concentration Indicator
Shows a "Y" is the concentration is valid.
Valid Major Indicator
Shows a "Y" is the major is valid.
Valid Minor Indicator
Shows a "Y" is the minor is valid.
Variable Credits
Displays the number of credits course and section.
Variance - Total Compensation vs. Budget
The dollar amount of the difference between the budgeted amount and the expenditure amount
Variance - Total vs. Budget
The dollar amount of the difference between the budgeted amount and the expenditure amount
A vendor is a person or business that supplies goods or services to the university
Vendor Address Line1
Street Line1 address information for Vendor.
Vendor Address Line2
Street Line2 address information for Vendor.
Vendor Address LIne3
Street Line3 address information for Vendor.
Vendor Address Line4
Street Line4 address information for Vendor.
Vendor Alternate Name
Vendor's Alternate Name
Vendor City
The City address information for Vendor.
Vendor Country
The Country information for the Vendor address.
Vendor Creation Date
The date when the vendor record was created in EAS
Vendor ID
Identifier for Vendor ID
Vendor Name
Name of company GW is contracting with in applicable contract.
Vendor Name
Identifier for Vendor Name
Vendor Number
Identifier for Vendor Number
Vendor Postal Code
The zipcode information for the Vendor address.
Vendor Province
The province nformation for the Vendor address.
Vendor State
The State code for the Vendor address.
Vendor Type
Identifier for Vendor Type