Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3701 - 3725 of 4049
Taxable Fellowship
This category, typically known as
a stipend and used as a living allowance, includes payments to the
student or credits to a student’s account other than those defined as
non-taxable fellowships. There is no requirement that the
recipient perform any services for the benefit of the University as a condition
of receiving the payment and these payments are often made as an incentive for
students to attend the University. In
no instance is a stipend a payment involving services. Although these payments are usually taxable
income to the student, the University is not required to report them to the
student or the IRS, nor is the University required to withhold tax on
them. (In the case of international
students, different withholding and reporting rules apply depending on the tax
treaty with the U.S.
of the student’s home country.) Students
are responsible for reporting these payments and remitting any tax due. Students must determine with their tax
advisor whether tax should be paid quarterly to the IRS or with the filing of
their personal income tax return.
The CCS team that held the event.
Technical Lead
IT personnel assigned to the contract (usually a manager and can be multiple personnel)
The technology (Application or Infrastructure) that is being introduced or upgraded or decommissioned through the roadmap initiative
Technology Lifecycle Roadmap Flag
Flag to indicate whether this roadmap initiative is reflected in the Technology Lifecycle Roadmap
Telephone Activity Date
Activty date associated with the telephone phone
Telephone Area Code
Area Code for the telephone.
Telephone Code
Identifies the telephone code.
Telephone Comment
Comment information for Telephone.
Telephone Extension
Extension of the telephone
Telephone Number
Number of the Telephone
Telephone Primary (Y/N)
Primary Telephone Indicator
Telephone Type Code
The type code for the telephone.
Telephone-Unlisted (Y/N)
Unlisted Telephone indicator
Temporarily Restricted
A donor-imposed restriction that permits the recipient organization.
Temporarily Restricted - R
A donor-imposed restriction that permits the recipient organization. The use or expend the donated assets as specified and is satisified either by the passage of time or by actions of the organization. Have a fund code of R.
Temporarily Restricted - T
A donor-imposed restriction that permits the recipient organization. The use or expend the donated assets as specified and is satisified either by the passage of time or by actions of the organization. Have a fund code of T.
Temporary Staff Employee
Temporary staff represent non-benefit eligible non-faculty employees who are not part of the Colonial Temps internal temp agency. Temporary staff typically have limited appointments of 6 months or less.
This defines the state of current tenure the employee is housed in. There are different Tenure code that can be selected for example;On Track, Ineligible, Non-Tenured, Tenured, and Without Faculty Status.
Tenure Next Review Date
Tenure Next Review Date is the date set for the next review of the Faculty member's Tenure Status
Tenure Review Type
Tenure Review Type is the type of review for tenure along with the tenure review code
Tenure Status
Indicates if faculty members has tenure status
Term Billable Hours
The total billable hours for a student in a specific term