Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1576 - 1600 of 4067
Entry Date
Entry date and time of the transaction, when initially created.
Entry Max
This compensation metric amount is calculated by adding 10% of the Salary Range Low to the Salary Range Low.
Entry Min
This compensation metric amount is calculated by subtracting 10% of the Salary Range Low from the Salary Range Low.
Entry Term Changed
"Y" if the latest Decision Code is 85, 86, or 87 (Entry Term Changed, Change of Semester Pending, Admission Deferral Approved)
E-Range by Qualifications
E-Range by Qualifications is a user entered field to allow the user to enter data
ER Contribution
Employer contribution amount toward retirement deduction
ER Deduction Amount
Employer contribution amount toward the deduction
Error Flag
Filter for locating employees where GW Match does not equal to Recalc GW Match
Error Indicator
Indicates if there is an error with the Manual Registration
Escalated / Non Escalated
Shows the priority for which tickets will be worked on first.
Estimated Grade
The instructor's estimate of the student's final grade at the time of feedback
Estimated # of Months Until Balance Runs Out
Based on the Average Monthly Expenditure, this is the estimated number of months that the remaining balance on the award will last
Contains an individual’s self-reported ethnicity status.
Ethnicity Code
The code used to identify a persons self reported Ethnic Origin.
Event Amount (exl Per Patient) <> Funding Amount
This is the count of distinct Awards where Award Number start with 'E' and Event Type is not 'Per Patient' or null (empty) and Event Amount is different from Funding Amount
Event Bill Hold Flag
Flag that indicates that the event is held from invoicing
Event Date
This is either pay date for sequence 0 transactions or transaction date for the redistribution
Event Date
The date on which the event is complete and on or after which the even tis processed for revenue and/or invoice
Event Label List
Labels used for events.
Event Number
This is a sequential number that identifies the event
Events attended for CCS
Number of events attended for CCS
Events attended for non CCS
Number of non CCS events that are attended.
Events Host Type
If the engagement type is "event", this determines whether the event was hosted by the employer or a specific school.
Events Invite Only
Whether the event can be registered only if he/she is invited
Events missed for CCS
Number of CCS events that were missed.