Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1551 - 1575 of 4067
Entity Last Name
Last name of an entity as defined in the Advance system.
Entity Level
The number of levels in the Entity hierarchy
Entity Level 1 Code
Level 1 (highest parent) of the entity in the hierarchy
Entity Level 1 Desc
Description of the Level 1 parent of the Entity
Entity Level 2 Code
Level 2 parent of the entity in the hierarchy or the entity's code itself
Entity Level 2 Desc
Description of the Level 2 parent of the Entity or the entity's description itself
Entity Level 3 Code
Level 3 parent of the entity in the hierarchy or the entity's code itself
Entity Level 3 Desc
Description of the Level 3 parent of the Entity or the entity's description itself
Entity Level 4 Code
Level 4 parent of the entity in the hierarchy or the entity's code itself
Entity Level 4 Desc
Description of the Level 4 parent of the Entity or the entity's description itself
Entity Level 5 Code
Level 5 parent of the entity in the hierarchy in the hierarchy or the entity's code itself
Entity Level 5 Desc
Description of the Level 5 parent of the Entity or the entity's description itself
Entity Level 6 Code
Level 6 parent of the entity in the hierarchy or the entity's code itself
Entity Level 6 Desc
Description of the Level 6 parent of the Entity or the entity's description itself
Entity Middle Name
Middle name of an entity as defined in the Advance system.
Entity PIDM
PIDM of the Person
Entity Preferred City
Entities' preferred address city as defined in the Advance system at the time of the donation. This field represents US cities only. On Tableau dashboard maps, a city will only be shown if its respective population is at least 15,000.
Entity Preferred Region
The region of the entity's preferred address based on the geocode of the preferred address. Geocodes group addresses based on an unlimited number of zip codes in a geographic area.
Entity Preferred State Code
Entity's preferred address state abbreviation as defined in the Advance system at the time of the donation. This field represents US states only.
Entity Preferred Zip Code
Entity's preferred address zip code as defined in the Advance system at the time of the donation. This field represents US zip codes only.
Entity Type
Donor's primary relationship to GWU.
Entity Type Code
Code identifier for the Entity Type
Entity Type Description
Code identifier for the Entity Description
Entity Type Group
The Council for Aid to Education (CAE), in conjunction with the CASE, establishes detailed guidelines regarding the structure of educational fundraising reporting. This structure classifies entity types and establishes a hierarchy to determine how legal credit should be allocated if an entity has multiple relationships with the institution. Following these guidelines, GW utilizes the following hierarchy for individual records:
Alumni: Alumni, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and Former Students
Parents: Current and former parents and grandparents who are not alumni
Faculty/Staff: Current and former faculty/staff who are not alumni
Friend: An individual who does not fall within the other three categories
Organization records are assigned record types based on the advisement of the individual requesting the record creation. Since organization records do not typically represent more than one classification, there is no hierarchy performed within this section. CASE defines organizational records as the following:
Corporation: Corporations, businesses, partnerships, and cooperative organized for profit-making purposes, including corporation foundations
Foundation: Private tax-exempt entities operated exclusively for charitable purposes
Family Foundation: Entities operating as conduits for charitable donations for an individual or immediately family
Other Organization: All organizational records not defined as Corporation, Foundation, or Family Foundation
Also following CAE and CASE reporting guidelines, all giving totals represented in the report are defined based on the entity who received the legal (“hard”) credit for the commitment. All gifts through corporations, foundations, and family foundations are reported within that entity type, rather than through recognition (“soft”) credit.
Entry is a compensation metric amount