Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Employee Gwid
Individual's GWU identification Number
Employee Home Organization
The Employee Home Organization is the department to which an employee belongs. Typically, this is the same as the Position Home Organization. In cases in which an employee holds multiple positions, the Employee Home Organization is generally assigned based upon the home organization of their primary job as identified in Banner. Regardless of the number of jobs held, an employee can have one and only one home organization.
Employee Home Org Finance Director
Finance Manager assigned to the Organization code which is the employee's Home Org in Banner HR.
Employee Ind
Indicates if the Gworld card holder an employee or not
Employee Last Name
Legal Last Name of the Employee
Employee Name
The full name of the employee.
Employee Name Prefix
A title that is used in front of an employees name. Such as, Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc.
Employee Organization Level
Subcategory of Organization. Would be one level below organization level.
Employee PIDM
PIDM (Personal Identification Number) is a unique identifier assigned to a person stored on Banner, whether it’s a student or employee. This PIDM ties all the information related to that person together. It is used as a key to pull the information up when needed.
Employee Position Key
Key is a field that defines an employee by their GWID, Position and Job Suffix
Employee Requestor
Incident submitter role in the University is faculty or staff. Please note student employees (part and full time) who also have a staff role will be included in this group.
Employee Status
The employee status is an attribute of an employee in Banner which represents the employee's current association with the university--active, leave (with or without pay or benefits), or terminated.
Employee Supplemental Benefit Coverage Amount
The employee Additional Life Benefit Coverage Amount.
Employee/Supplier Name
The name of the employee or supplier that was paid
Employee Travel Agency
Indicates American Express (The George Washington University) booked travel transaction
Employee Type
The Employee Type is a broad category of employee at the university (staff, faculty, research, student, or graduate assistant). Depending on context, this can be more granular by including sub-types and benefit category, e.g. Full Time Librarian, Temporary Research, etc.
Employee Veteran Category
This represents the Veteran Category for an employee. It Indicates whether the person served in the armed forces and, if so, specifies the category in which he or she should be counted for the U.S. Veteran reporting by selecting a value from the pull-down list.
Employer Amount
The amount that is covered by the Employer for a certain benefits
Employer Amount
The Employer contribution amount
Employer Approvals Created At Date
The year, month, and day that the employer approval was created on.
Employer Approvals Response Date
The year, month, and day that the employer approval was responded to.
Employer ID
The identification number that is correlated to the employer name.
Employer Involved
Is any employer included in the event
Employer Name
The name in which the company/organization is identified by.
Employment Status
The current employment status of an employee. Statuses include active, terminated, and different types of leave.