Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1501 - 1525 of 4067
End Date
Suppiier End Date
End Date
Date and time when an event ends
End Date
Anticipated End Date of the roadmap initiative. It is given as Year and Quarter (Fiscal Year)
End Date
The last date of the course.
End Date
Accounting period end date
End Date Time
Ending date/time for each time block
Ended as of Date
Ended as of Date is the date of an action is ended
Ending Balance
Ending Balance for account
Endowment Fund Value
If the source is an endowment then this presents the EAS endowment fund otherwise this is a Null value.
End Time 12 HR
Displays the end time for 12 hour increment.
End Time HHMM
Displays the end of time in hours and minutes
Engaged or not
If the student has showed up to the event and attendance has been recorded
Engaged with CCS or not
If the student has showed up to an event that is hosted by CCS and attendance has been recorded
Engagement Name
The event in which the employer was involved in.
Engagement Type
The medium in which the engagement occurred (career fair, posting, message, ect.)
English not Primary Language
Indicates if a student responded "Yes" to the following application prompt: English is not my primary language
Enity Type Description
Code identifier for the Entity Description
Enrollment Counts
Count of all the Enrolled Students for the term and level selected.
Enrollment Ind
If the student is enrolled then a "Y" will be displayed
Enrollment Status
This indicator will review 5 indicators (on leave, student level, student registration status, count of the number of credits taken by the student in a selected period, and IR Registration Type.) to determine the enrollment status.
Enroll Term
Displays the semester(s) for Enrollment Term.
Enroll Term Calendar Yr
Identifies Calendar year in which Enroll Term falls
Entered Amount Balance
Calculated field in Data Ware house for Balance Amount
Entered Balance
Entered Balance
Entered CR
Amount entered for Credit