Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1601 - 1625 of 4067
Event Type
Different types of event for the event awards. Current possible types are: Cost Award, Payment Schedule - Deliverable, Payment Schedule - Invoice, Payment Schedule - No Invoice, and Per Patient.
Evergreen Term
Contract has a perpetual term.
Exceeds Budget Notification
Indicates that the expenditures of an award has exceeded its budget
Excess Cash
Show the Cash receipt minus the Revenue Amounton the award.
Exclude CK with 9
If check number does not start with number 9, then it is True. If the check number starts with number 9, it is false. Check number starting with number 9 (most commonly check number 900000001) are GCAS refunds that is posted to EAS. The report allows for exclusion of these check payments.
Exclude MFA Non-GW
Awards associated with Medical Faculty Association (MFA) or non-MFA
Executive Level Offices
The first tier of the incident requester's organization is based on the requester's Banner code.
Exempt Employee
Exempt employees, based on their duties and the responsibilities of the position, are not subject to the minimum wage or overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or other applicable state law. They are paid on a salary basis for the duties they perform, not for the number of hours they work.
Exempt Indicator
This field is only used for banner delivery reports. If this box is checked,this indicates that employees are exempted from FLSA overtime pay .
Exercise Science Core/Prereq
Indicates whether or not a course is a core or prerequisite for the undergraduate Exercise Science program
Expected Academic Standing
A prediction of a student's academic standing based on the grades for courses that instructors have submitted so far and the student's academic performance.
Expected Ask Amount
The amount the Proposal Manager expects to be donated as a result of their solictation.
Expected Date
Within the Proposal, the date at which the gift officer expects the gift to come to GW.
Expected Dean's List
A prediction of a student's dean's list status based on the grades for courses that instructors have submitted so far and the student's dean's list status from the previous term.
Expected End of Term Academic Standing
Predicted Academic Standing values for the selected academic term based on on Current Term Overall GPA Hours, Previous Term Academic Standing, Current Term Overall GPA, and Current Term Cumulative Overall GPA .
Expected Expenditures
Shows the ercentage of comletion by dates multiplied by funding amount.
Expected Family Contribution Model (I/F)
EFC indicator: This is the number that’s used to determine the student's default methodology eligibility for federal student financial aid.
Expected Graduation Date
Date the student applies for Graduation.
The total amount of expenditures spent as of the accounting period selected. This amount is cumulative (i.e., includes expenditures from previous accounting periods in the same fiscal year). This is the sum of Period Net for Balance Type = 'Actual' and Account Reporting Attribute Roll-up = 'EXPENSES'
Expenditure Account
The account to which the funds for the expenditure are recorded.
Expenditure Amount
The amount of pay associated with a position
Expenditure Category
The category of the expense (i.e., Compensation, Travel). Expense Category is the higher level grouping of expenses and Expense Type provides additional detail within the Category grouping (e.g., the expense category "Compensation" is broken into expense types that include "Salary Faculty Reg FT" and "Salary Nonacademic Reg PT").
Expenditure Comment
The comment or description of the expenditure
Expenditure Comment Category
Group of Expenditure Comment
Expenditure Date
The transaction date of the expense