Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 876 - 900 of 4049
Contract Street Line 2
Street line 2 for the Contract Address.
Contract Street Line 3
Street line 3 for the Contract Address.
Contract Type
Identifies the type of Contract used
Contract Type Code
Uses the Contract Group Code to determine Contract Type Code
Contract Year
Uses a combination of Contract type code and range of sprident id to determine the Contract Year
Contract ZIP Code
Address Zip Code of the Contract information
Conversion Rate
It is the percentage of conversions to clicks.
A conversion happens when someone clicks an ad and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business, such as filling out a (RFI) request for information form.
Core Academic Year
Core academic years include only fall, winter, and spring terms.
Correct Hours Per Day
Correct Hours Per Day is a calculated field that will determine if the current hours per day is accurate
Correct Hours Per Pay
Correct Hours Per Pay is a calculated field that will determine if the current hours per pay is accurate
Correction Digit
Correction digit associated with the address for bar code mailing.
Cost Distributed Indicator
This field indicates if the expediture distributed
Cost Per Click
It is the cost paid per each click on an ad
Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per Conversions is the total cost of generating traffic divided by the total number of conversions. Note that the cost includes that of all traffic during which conversions were measured, including traffic during that time that didn't lead to a conversion
Cost (Proposed Increase - Current Pay, adjusted by FTE and annual impact)
Cost (Proposed Increase - Current Pay, adjusted by FTE and annual impact) is a text field which indicates how to cacluate the cost
Cost Share BI
This is the Banner index number associated with the Cost Sharing Awards.
Cost Type
Shows if this is a indirect or direct cost.
Unique instances of the event
Count of Delinquencies
The Count of Deliquencies creates a non-null value for each employee that has a delinquent I-9. These values are then aggregated to calculate the Delinquency Percentage.
For HEA Survey - if Foreign then country must be indicated (FOREIGN_SOURCE_TYPE). Country to be listed is that from which the foreign gift or contract originated, chosen from a list of values.
Country of Residency
Country where student matched for residency
County for this address.
County Desc
County name for the address.
A series of classes about a particular subject in a college.