Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 826 - 850 of 4049
Concur Org Unit 1 Name
Funding Source Type (Grant or Non-Grant)
Concur Org Unit 2 Code
Organization number / Alias
Concur Org Unit 2 Name
EAS Organization description / PTA
Concurrency Ind
This field specifies that the pre-requisite course requirement can be taken at the same time as the Key Block course."Y" indicates that the pre-req. course may be taken at the same time
Conditional Admits
Indicates students whose admission to a program is contingent upon meeting specified requirements.
Confidentiality Indicator
Indicates the person does not want to share their directory information if "Y"
Confirmed/Paid Deposit
A count of applicants who have confirmed their intent to enroll at GW, typically through paying a deposit if a program requires it, for the term/s displayed on the dashboard (Summer+Fall or Spring)
% Confirmed/Paid Deposit
Percent of students who confirmed/paid deposit out of total students who were enrolled
Confirmed Rating
Gift officers are responsible for evaluating and entering the Confirmed Rating, which assesses a prospect's philanthropic capacity and affinity to make a gift to GW over the next five years, and should be entered onto a prospect's Entity Record in Evaluations by the Qualify stage, if not earlier. The ratings are dynamic and can become outdated; gift officers should update Confirmed Ratings whenever the prospect's relationship with GW (affinity) and/or financial circumstances (capacity) changes.
Significant activity that takes place to deepen the relationship between a constituent and GW. A contact is documented through the filing of a Contact Report.
Contact Author
Indicator within a Contact Report to designate authorship of a Contact Report; should be the person with the most intimate knowledge of or who was the most critical in the contact. Will not always be the person physically entering the contact. If the President was part of a contact, it is important to list this person as the author.
Contact Date
The date the contact occurred.
Contact Description
Short descriptions of what occurred during the contact.
Contact Fiscal Year
Fiscal year in which the contact occurred.
Contact Month/Year
Calendar month/year in which the contact occurred.
Contact Purpose
Objective of the contact interaction (qualify, engage, etc.). Contact Purpose is paired with Contact Type, the mechanism of the interaction (email, correspondence, etc.)
Contact Role
How an individual is assigned to the entity who was contacted. They may be the author of the contact report, a staff member who received credit for the contact, the prospect manager when the contact occurred, or the current prospect manager.
Contact SPA
The full name of the personnel who has the award role Research Service Coordinator for the selected award.
Contact Staff Credit
Indicator within a Contact Report to designate additional staff, faculty, or volunteers who played a role in the contact. Will not always be the author or person physically entering the contact.
Contact Type
Mechanism of the contact interaction (email, correspondence, etc.). Contact Type is paired with Contact Purpose, the objective of the contact interaction (qualify, engage, etc.)
Continuous Enrollment
Students who are registered for UNIV 0981 or UNIV 0982 for the term selected.
Contract Address Type Code
2 character code that selected "Contract Address" for the address to use
Contract Agency
Displays Contract Agency name or Contract Group
Contract Agency Code
Displays the Contract Agency Code