Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 926 - 950 of 4049
Course Reference Number
Course Reference Number - The unique number that is assigned to a course in a term
Course Repeat Limit
Limit on how many times a student can repeat the course.
Course Section
Shows the subject code with the course number and the section number of the course.
Course Semester
The term (Summer, Fall, Spring) when the Course was offered
Course Seq No
The sequence number of a course to be taken in the student's educational plan
Course Source
This field identifies if a course was taken at GW or if its was Transferred Course
Course Status
Course status (Active or Inactive)
Course Status Code
Codes used are A, I, C to show the status of a course.
Course Status Desc
Course status (Active or Inactive)
Course Subject Code
The code that identifies a Course (eg. HIST, MATH, ACCY)
Course Term
The term that a course is held in the student educational planner
Course Term Code
The numeric code for a term (eg. 201301 = Spring term in 2013)
Coverage Date
Benefit deduction begin date
Create Date Timestamp
The date when the Award was created in the Award Tracking Portal
Created By
The name of the person who created the report or query.
Created in last 30 days?
Indicates that an award was created within the last 30 days
Create Time Date
The time when the ticket was created.
Create Timestamp
Date and Time the incident was created in the system. Creation may be delayed from submission time if the Remedy Mail server is delayed in entering the request into the system
Create User
The name of the person who created the entry.
Creation Date
Date that transaction activity was created.
Credential Lack (Decision Status)
Credential Lack is one of the decision statuses.
Total Credit Amount of JE lines Charged to Accounting String
Credit Hour High Limit
Displays the highest hour limit for a course.
Credit Hour Indicator
Used with the Credit Hour Low Limit and the Credit Hour High Limit to indicate if the range is using "TO" or "OR".
Credit Hour Low Limit
Displays the lowest hour limit for a course.