Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1201 - 1225 of 4076
Faculty's Secondary Department
Derived Address City
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address State Code
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Street Line1
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Street Line2
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Street Line3
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Zip Code
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Business Reason
Business reason pulled from pcard charge.
Derived Vendor
Name of Vendor from the pcard charges when the pcard is used.
Description of the roadmap Initiative
Description (Upper)
Concatenated invoice distribution line and po line description to enable search for key words within both descriptions.
Funds set aside by the university for a specific use.
Designated Employees
Employees who are required to report to work in person during unplanned university closures, and depending on departmental rules, on regular university holidays.
Designation Amount
Legal-credit dollar-amount value of the donation received. This value is identified by a combination of the following three distinct elements: donor, transaction, and allocation.
Detail Activity Date
Maximum Activity Date for updates to detail codes in TSADETC
Detail Budgeting Allowed Ind (Y/N)
Indicates wheter budget is allowed for this accounting string or not
Detail Code
Unique, four digit alpha/numeric codes used to place and identify charges and credits on accounts.
Detail Code Active Ind
Detail Code Active Status Indicator
Detail Code Category
Detail category associated with the detail category code
Detail Code Category Code
Identifies the catagory of the detail code
Detail Code Collection Agency Code
Detail Code Collection Agency Code
Detail Code Default Amount
Default amount associated with the detail code.
Detail Code Desc
Description of the detail code
Detail Code Direct Deposit Refund Ind
Detail Code Direct Deposit Refund Indicator
Detail Code Effective Date
Date the detail Code is effective.