Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Distributable Amt
This is the tuition revenue amount attributed to the course transaction prior to allocation between central and either teaching department or school of enrollment. The amount is calculated based on total tuition (after fee split) charged to a student spread evenly across the credits for which the student is enrolled.
Distribution Amount
The dollar amount of the transaction which was distributed in EAS.
Distribution Amount
The total of the distribution amount
Distribution Description
Transaction description associated with the amount distributed.
DIT Strategic Theme
The DIT Strategic themes that are satisfied by implementing the roadmap initiative
Division and School Level Offices
The second tier of the incident requester's organization is based on the requester's Banner code.
Domestic Student
All students who are not international students
Donation Amount
Legal-credit dollar-amount value of the donation received. This value is identified by a combination of the following three distinct elements: donor, transaction, and allocation.
Donation Range
Fiscal level of the full value of the donation transaction.
Donor Count
Quantity of distinct donors who have received legal credit for a donation to GWU. Donor count values cannot be summed across multiple time periods or filter values due to the potential to double-count donors who have donated in multiple years, at multiple levels, to multiple allocations, etc. This data must be reported only as displayed in its individual context on the dashboard.
Donor Name
Entities' preferred mailing name. The format for individual entities is typically a concatenation of salutation, first name, middle initial, last name.
Donor Preferred School-Year
Displays the graduation year and school abbreviation for an alumnus/a that they affiliate with which. In some cases, the preferred school year may be different from the graduation year on their diploma. For example, a student whose degree was granted in January of a new year considers themselves as part of the class that graduated the prior year.
Donor Preferred School-Year
Draft Invoice Number
The sequential number that identifies the draft invoice within a project
Drop Credit Hour
Number of credit hours of a dropped course.
Dual Degree Code
Degree Code for Dual Degree
Dual Degree College Desc
College Description for Dual Degree
Dual Degree Desc
Description of the Degree for Dual Degree
Dual Degree Major
A program of study that allows a student to complete the course requirement for two majors at the same time.
Due Date
Due Date is a date for when the performance review is due
Due Date
The date the payment is due.
Duration Note
Optional note for leave duration.
Duration Type Code
Primary duration designation for employee leave. Default is (FT)Full Time.
Earn Amount
The earned amount for the earn code
Earn Amount to Payroll Amount Earning Calculated %
Proportion of earn amount to the grouped Banner Payroll Earnings in the current row