Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1176 - 1200 of 4051
Denied (Decision Status)
Denied is one of the decision statuses.
Dental DMO Deductions YTD
Dental DMO Deductions Year to Date.
Dental High PPO Deductions YTD
Dental High PPO Deductions Year to Date
Dental Low PPO Deductions YTD
Dental Low PPO Deductions Year to Date.
The academic department within a school to which faculty belong. Each faculty member is assigned to a primary department and may also be assigned to a secondary department.
A department is a division of a school devoted to a particular academic discipline.
Departmental Honors
Departmental honor associated with a student's graduation Degree Seq No.
Department Code
4 Character description of the Department.
Department College Abbrev
Abbreviation associated with student's department college
Department College Code
2 digit code associated with student's department college
Department College Description
College the Department is in.
Department Lookup
Lookup of the Department
Dependency Ids
A comma separated Id field that indicates the dependency of this initiative with other initiatives in the roadmap list
Dependent Relationship
A dependent is a qualifying child or relative who relies on the employee for financial support. Specific criteria must be met to add a dependent to GW for credits or deductions. The dependent relationship lists each possible qualifying dependant.
Dependent Relationship Code
A code used by the business to identify a Dependant Relationship.
Dependent Relationship Desc
This is the name or word that describes a Dependant Relationship.
Faculty's Primary Department
Faculty's Secondary Department
Derived Address City
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address State Code
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Street Line1
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Street Line2
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Street Line3
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Address Zip Code
Addresses the University Data Warehouse (UDW) are derrived based on logic as described in the business rule.
Derived Business Reason
Business reason pulled from pcard charge.