Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 1751 - 1775 of 4071
Fee is theadditional amount charged to the department for the colonial temp employee currently 10%
Fee Amount
Displays the fee amount for the course.
Feedback Date
The date on which the feedback was given by the instructor
Feedback Description
A description of the type of feedback being given by the instructor
Feedback Session
The name of the session during which feedback was provided
Feedback Type
The type of feedback being given by the instructor
Feed Date
Date when the transactions was imported to EAS from Banner
Fee Detail
Description of the Fee Details
Fee Level
Display the student's level for fees
When "Fees" is selected in the Category filter, the dashboard shows the Fees charged to a student
Fee Type Code
Four letter code used for Fee type.
Fee Type Desc
Description of Fee Types used for Courses.
This term is used interchangeably with the term
“scholarship” by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to refer to both taxable
and non-taxable payments to students.
Fellowship Funding Source
Indicates sources either from Banner Financial Aid or the Endowment System.
Fidelity Deferred Comp Amount
Fidelity 457B Deferred Comp Amount
Fidelity Deferred Comp Percentage
Fidelity 457B Deferred Comp Percentage
Field of Study
Describes an academic curriculum pursued by a student as a major, minor or concentration.
Fin Aid FM Budget Duration
The number of months to be used as the budget duration by the Federal Model (FM) calculation.
Fin Aid IM Budget Duration
The number of months to be used as the budget duration by the Institutional Model (IM) calculation.
Fin Aid Period Active Indicator
Financial aid peroid active indicator, it indicates whether the aid period code is active.
Fin Aid Period Code
Financial aid peroid code, it identifies particular parts of a year that students may be enrolled.
Fin Aid Period Description
This describes the aid period code and identifies what it represents
Fin Aid vs. (Tuition + Fee)
This indicates the percent of Financial Aid received as compared to the sum of Tuition and Fees
Fin Aid Year
The aid year associated with information in this record.
Fin Aid Year Code
The aid year code associated with information in this record.